About Us

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Advancing Africa Energy Sustainability

Vant Energy  is uniquely positioned to assist in advancing the Africa’s transition to a low-carbon future by providing independent Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS,

VantEnergy provides rechargeable batteries that can store energy from different sources and discharge it when needed and can be used to balance the electric grid, provide backup power and improve grid stability.

We believe the demand for long duration energy storage is expected to increase dramatically as the shift to green energy gains momentum, with the long duration market expected to surpass 1.4 TWh by 2040. 

Vant Energy is well positioned to be a significant part of this solution going forward.


Our Approach

Vant Energy views itself as an “entrepreneurial catalyst”, matching capital with deep strategic and operational value-addition which enables us to sponsor a transaction, by recruiting local partners as well as operating partners that bring relevant domain expertise and networks to accelerate growth for any viable project. 

Vant Energy  is a platform for West African underserved Energy Storage Infrastructure needs by matching capital with deep strategic and creative operational value-addition to exploit market opportunities. Vant Energy’s distinctive “flexible capital” model enables it to customize each opportunity by recruiting local partners as well as operating partners that bring uniquely relevant expertise and networks to accelerate growth, bankability and project business model refinements. 

This tailored approach harnesses more specific project business case realities with more relevant investment capital to bridge the intellectual, human and financial capital scarcity that is often prevalent in Africa today.

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Our Value Add

We create, deliver and operate integrated energy storage projects

Advancing Africa Energy Sustainability

Long-duration storage is critical to create a decarbonized grid powered by renewable energy.

Stabilizes the Grid

Flexible capacity enables the time shifting of intermittent renewables from supply peaks to demand peaks, balancing load and transforming the grid.

Enables Distributed Generation

Distributed generation using microgrids and VPPs is fundamental to a cleaner, safer, and more resilient grid. Long-duration storage deployed globally enables this.

Environmentally Sustainable

Our batteries are safe, water-based, non-hazardous, fully recyclable and have a low carbon footprint. Use of earth-abundant resources ensures sustainable production too.

Advancing the Africa’s transition to Energy Sustainability

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